enjoy success

美 [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ səkˈses]英 [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ səkˈses]
  • 享受成功;获得成功
enjoy successenjoy success
  1. Not all migrated products enjoy success .


  2. To enjoy success I must have happiness , and laughter will be the maiden who serves me .


  3. Let us join hands in creating a regional and international environment in which people of all countries will enjoy success , peace and prosperity .


  4. You don 't have to be a plant whisperer to enjoy success in this endeavor .


  5. People involved with deeksha for a long time enjoy success and suffer failures like everybody else , there are no special boons through deeksha .


  6. But to enjoy success , you must learn the fundamentals of goal setting and be willing to invest a lifetime of discipline to continually enforce those fundamentals .


  7. The new lead-in : create context , stimulate interests . Layered reading : create tasks , let students enjoy success experience . The text extensions : make a stage for students to use knowledge . Lesson denotation liters : rely on network to display results .


  8. Open source continues to enjoy growing success and wide recognition .


  9. These cultural locations enjoy great success with the money and respect brought by tourism .


  10. May this session enjoy complete success !


  11. Their graduates must enjoy more success because they get a better education and develop better contacts .


  12. And of course we should enjoy our success and be grateful for it .


  13. Create the winning formula for your website and enjoy the success that comes from hard work and vision .


  14. There may be things that you need to cut out of your life in order to enjoy the success with women that you want .


  15. It is easy to see why this marketing campaign worked , and hopefully the new campaign will enjoy similar success .


  16. Of course we should enjoy our success and be grateful for it . But never let your gratitude sour into pride .


  17. During his life , Percival Lowell did not enjoy the success he hoped to find in astronomy .


  18. People carrying water have no water to drink once putting down the carrying pole . However , people building up pipelines can enjoy long-lasting success .


  19. Where are you from orginly ? Kentucky , Kentucky , and ... and how does your mother enjoy your success ?


  20. Enjoy your success , this evening , my Victor , your beauty , your genius , and be happy with your delightful family .


  21. Mainland Chinese companies have yet to enjoy much success in acquiring big western companies , but they have made a start by buying some of the remnants of the British motor industry .


  22. Also , all the food has to be within its expiration date and anything homemade should have a label with the ingredients ; reasonable rules , and so far , the program seems to enjoy its success .


  23. Puskas went on to enjoy unprecedented success at real madrid , where he and Alfredo Di Stefano were the cornerstone of a succession of domestic and European glories .


  24. Some games companies that enjoy big success have looked to cash in as much as possible - such as Finland 's Rovio , which has licensed Angry Birds to brands from soft drinks to fishing rods .


  25. Yet in addition , it went on to enjoy intense overseas success as the first indigenous Chinese film to " breakthrough " on a mass scale to international markets .


  26. None so old that he hopes not for a year of life . Wingate did not live long to enjoy this first success or to reap its fruits .


  27. Her career was revived by The Princess Diaries ( 2001 ) and she continues to enjoy box office success with voice work in youth-oriented films .


  28. Even today , the novel continues to enjoy popularity and commercial success .


  29. Join us happily , and you can enjoy the happiness of success !


  30. Besides , the active and desired studying spirit has been fostered . Finally , students can enjoy the experiences of success and improve their learning efficiency .
